Stage 76 (57): Sesreim to Tolou's Lodge

A long and tough day, no mistake about the description. Stunning views, albeit at the cost of 8-1/2 hours of wheel-grabbing sand and teeth-rattling washboard gravel.
We’re into what’s called the ‘deep Namib’ desert - the oldest desert in the world, apparently (news to me, too).
Fabulous terrain. The silence is absolute, if the wind isn’t blowing.

In the mid-afternoon, we see a herd of zebra; it’s so surprising to see such large animals out here, moving about in the heat and with so little sign of forage.

catching a little bit of shade
Ended at Tolou’s Lodge; the proprietor Benny is just a super host. His wife and son even set up a complimentary coke stop 16 km back on the final stretch of loose sand/gravel; those sugar hits got me in!
Beautiful sky again tonight; absolutely clear with the moon still being very bright. I fall asleep with the Southern Cross pointing me toward the Cape.